"My lawn went to heck after my wife fell ill and I felt terrible about the way it looked to my nighbors. I purchased the product and sprayed it green myself; it looks great and how easy! Wife is fine now and so is the lawn."
Todd and Tammy Webster
Temecula, CA

"I am very pleased with this product. it worked just like it should have. which i must say that i had my doubts. the color was almost perfect and it lasted all fall and winter when we turned off the water. it was a very dry winter too and the color faded only slightly and onced it rained that grass came back, there was no residual leftovers after the first mowing.
I would definately recommend it.
A couple things though...one bottle does not cover very much, even if you dillute it. also, it does stain if you miss, the wooden lawn border is still streaked from the slight mis-spray along the edge and that has not faded a bit since september (now is march). but it is such a pleasant shade of green."
M. Lynch

"I bought this product after reading the success of other posters about the efficacy of the coloring ability. I have two Boxer's and their urine has burned the grass giving me a green lawn with small plate size brown spots. I mixed the coloring with water using the concentration recommendation on the bottle for a... least dilute color (less rather than more water), and put it in a cheap garden sprayer. It sprayed on and worked to color the brown green. A month later the color is still there (through daily watering and cutting weekly). The remainder (not used) stayed in the sprayer and I used it as needed. The best recommendation I can give is: I'll order more when needed. Shipping and packaging was great. A + product. Hope this helps. "
Steven Fisher

"Purchased the smallest bottle to fill in some doggy urine spots on the back yard and a large dry spot I have been having trouble with in the front yard. The stuff is awsome; after adjusting the water ratio to match my lawns color it blended right in. Great color, not like the others that tend to have that bluish tint; this stuff is dead on with the color. I likey! "
Craig D
San Marcos, CA

"The product works well. Make sure you mix it well. It does stain other things so make sure you don't spray it anywhere but on the grass. Seems to be doing the job on my lawns bare spots. I would recommend it! "